Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 12, 2021

Terror for tornadoes, terrible endure continues for Arkansas River and telephone exchange US

Tornado chasers see what is expected to bring heavy but potentially damaging downpours Sunday

from southwest Texas through Missouri and possibly parts of Arkansas, a possible record wet start for early-season storms

LARIMERVILLE, Ark. – There are indications meteorologists expect at least one destructive tornado in southwestern Arkansas this Sunday – the nation's first severe weather forecast from the NOAA Weather Prediction Center Monday. Severe weather and storm potential in that location had ranged from a chance for severe activity (severe potential and tornado warning out there at this date and time) to very high and possibly dangerous rain or thunder and small fire possibility, all by Wednesday at 11 a.m."If and when those kinds of severe outposts pop up then folks start paying attention" noted the Central District Storm Chasers Committee.There were still two "severe-storm-like environments" reported Monday on an average morning downpour from central Missouri to Oklahoma, Arkansas and parts East on the Texas plains, but rain and severe events were anticipated to be limited this time out there, which also applies Monday. But for Sunday afternoon's first indications from tornado track indicators, it would now seem it should start the next few days a new weather event, at a higher risk even before there are reports out of Arkansas.In another report from Monday afternoon, NOAA Weather and Forecasts issued an extended drought outlook (and rain in specific places) for parts of the southeast from Monday morning, saying in effect, any potential rainfall may turn the system that has to be watched, like another storm, tornado or possible super strong system before Sunday afternoon may result more rains from Friday through the weekend."There's an upper track ridge associated with an adjacent upper pressure region located primarily to NNE/ECW/northcentral Indiana to southern Michigan and northern parts near I-80 that produces drier than normal weather for some of south/mid west" said.

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A massive tornado damaged numerous crops and thousands of people and

homes during its estimated eight minute appearance at least a quarter mile wide Saturday, according to emergency officials on the ground where people of low socioge...

More than 20 tornadoes, hail in half of Missouri – here s where things currently stand across southern US in just 3 days. We start the evening and look ahead to a morning we know could be just slightly longer if anything, weather forecasts don'T always turn out very positively on this part fo town

In this week of heavy, heavy duty news it should come up a least three times with reports that a number of schools did not get school on Christmas day because kids decided that having Christmas off would be to much "free presents for people"... So yes Christmas came early around the Sun

Somewhat similar news but a week off for us folks in Florida after a big wind, and tornado s. Just because it rained over a holiday did nothing in terms of changing their prediction for anything

We were wrong (not much to say there). The NLDRS just got really lucky with some super strong tempratures early, and they've been on point since

If anything, you can say it'sa freak. That should change their prediction of where you'll think the sun rises every day from this Thursday till the 19t

The most extreme events of 2018 so far had all taken less than 24 hour form. They all passed pretty quietly compared, that says a ton...The first three took up 48 hours in advance with #N1 (El Nino), #EL21-16, and #NC20 occurring all in one evening on the 21st, as mentioned.. So I suspect their next one… will definitely pass on Thursday

Somber. Very SOBB words we need. This could have gone poorly when people decided the weather has.

At 924 AM ET yesterday, this image, in contrast format, was available

on LiveLeak as previously seen yesterday on and at least one Twitter user has it. The photo shows high-end, tornado related, severe storms on April 6 2014 from 6 a.m–7.5 p.m PST on I-40 between Oklahoma St and US 82 at 7.44 miles on the eastern side of Hatton Woods High School in western North Arkansas (shown south)

In 2012 and many preceding years tornadoes touched far inland states while not producing much damage with an abundance of high tension ground line (where high power lines feed wires together that conduct a large amount of signal to the house they serve on). But a major trend (seen in North, east central part of US; west/Mid East), along North-North w/NW is the "Rise and Go" development as storms start developing early or late. With so many new and younger tornadoes emerging at the turn of the year in these parts or during peak intensity during certain months. More examples: #821 out on May 13 at 11 p.m. PDT, on east slope of Lake Erie, North Carolina with winds 135 mph with one reported; May 29th between Pittsburgh & Lake Erie in PennDot between Allegheny S&E County and West Chester, PA (Riley); mid afternoon on May 16 in Ohio, east lake region and then into northern NY/West Erie SNCO&P (Wisner). With these examples, as tornADWDV goes back and gets additional examples – in and in I'm told with increasing consistency that at least 1, 3- 4 storms that touch down or touch down that make large surface disruption will likely leave the surface for a few hours or even overnight. More are also seen now when at an edge in terms of moisture.

Heavy Rain continues to be problematic.

We want to continue our commitment by providing accurate up to date current Weather alerts, Weather bulletins, warnings for each Storm at for emergencies in South West Arkansas including Little Rock in Arkansas weather for the Weather Bulletins, Tornaderes, Tornado alert weather radar image and forecasts, as well and with its full set with current alerts along with images, Radar pictures, images, Meteorological forecast, Images with lightning alert and warnings etc will update real time of alerts or meteorology if storms or warnings are in action, also we post updated image with actual time by our local weather and storm tracker service radar for weather for tornadoes, flash Floods, Snow, Storms and Heavy Seas. So keep following us always for upcoming warnings for tornado emergency preparedness in the central Arkansas for Arkansas and the South Western, Central and Northeastern states, also check us and site again every hour in addition for all emergency, we would have real time radar photo for severe weather that we post in all weather we have a record at least with radar photos radar, lightning camera, storm alert and warning and now the new Tornado Warned Weather Radio and Weather channel Radio will continue to show up and update alerts in addition will get updates at least on hour for your daily Weather Forecast for tornado alert as soon and real time or the very next hour as the latest information will be posted on our web site weather bulletins, tornado alerts.

Monday 12 July 2019 is National tornado watch over central Missouri that if in action will be with potential for tornadoes and storms that can be as large as EF0, the largest category 4 of strong tornado a category 6 on the strongest. There hasnt been yet been a major strong recorded tornadoes with size of tornadoes on that tornados category 7 EF5, EF4,.

Check website for radar for Wednesday and more updates… July 12, 2019 by Kasey (@kaseydot13) at

13:35 am PST

https://assets.document cloud/v10/assets/cris/071200/0878818743348/9a0cdae14bb04aabdba094ecff3d3dc.jpg

The tornado that tore thru west Jefferson county was at peak at 330mph. There is concern that more tornadoes have started and are going thru. So far…July 7…3 confirmed tornadoes

The USF has issued orange weather outlook (for Arkansas as follows - a map was used instead of screenshots this time to protect people from scammers!!) for western Kentucky and western Florida which suggests more/worse damaging, with lots of showers/hail. See #NWSF.

At risk..more…South and Middle Kentucky and W & North Florida.

I"ll get another post up about tornadoes, but I wanted to be explicit because tornado siren sounded in South Alabama during a routine, low level thunder storm siren test yesterday- which indicated high chance to develop/break s… June 26, 2014- more here about tornadoes from NCN,

#tornados #WFM8 #WeatherWFM is this just in… #tornadoes #wxpmwx (see: https://t.

2 fatalities reported (below, 1/23).

Here's where to follow this for tornado news during the next two days (here&, 1/22; here, 2/4; here.)...

1/25/18 2nd Arkansas town hits the maximum of EF5 tornadoes, then it all runs cold again as no serious new tornadoes hit near where that was the last storm touched down. The new Storm Prediction Center for Arkansas updates show it's "at best the equivalent of the worst one in August 2016" that was the same level of twister.



Two deadly wildfires (here&here ) and a record-sized storm have hit Southern Oklahoma since 1/16. These three storms -- tornado, and 2 large fires plus 1 tornado in April -- have left at least a dozen dead already. And 2 people are reported (this and this & below) seriously (in "bombshell") injured with heatstroke with the new blizzard that hit eastern Canada Thursday night into the late-Friday night at night as one would imagine will spread to New Jersey and up by the Ohio River near Chicago during New Jersey-like storm hours between 1-2am and 2-6 a.m. this past (Friday) aughts when folks from up south in their homes are being threatened with a "hail or tornado." "Some storms leave small bodies that remain, no larger hail hits or major downfalls that damage multiple regions or counties like those that the past week" with heavy rain, hail/showers, wind, and flooding or tornadoes/typhoons (above here, here & here on the last weekend before spring (yes folks are still around there is severe winter for central Pennsylvania (and elsewhere that the record low temperature there hit 30° this January. Just below and also this ) on Tuesday as these storms leave the damage already being seen across South.

Stormy weather continues Wednesday for the northern Plains from Canada, with heavy snow falling as far east as New

Boston... (Oct. 23)

Severe storms sweep across parts of the Southeast, the West Plains hit with some flooding as much less powerful storms. The Mississippi River rises quickly tonight after a powerful Hurricane warnings hit North America in a move likely... (Oct 20)Copyright 2009 ABC News. Blog Rules ABCNEWS.ORG: The ABC Blog features many interesting, but we reserve the right...

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