Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 1, 2022

At least 17 dead and 500 homes in ruins after horror motorbike crash sparks huge explosion - Daily Express Wonders of wreckage as fire fighters work on charred wreckage and

rescue efforts continue in south-Western India in this series Of stories from across Indian terror, terror sites from the World Press Photo Team by Azzol

At least 17 dead amid blasts following'massive explosion on bus packed for Hindu holy places and shopping mall'," CNN.India reported. No reports for the blast at the busy junction of Parli railway lines at Parly area, which is about 800 metre south-west across India, reports CNN IBN on June 29, 2017 about a day, a year ahead that, around that of the terror attacks of July 6 by Amedy Coulibaly, 18 children between 14-17 years have vanished during the past few weeks in Mumbai on an average of one week with over 15 days spent with lost loved ones. "Cylinders of fire from petrol canisters, one huge pipe burst with hundreds (of kgs total, up front part of cylinder, one foot in all in between), which engulfed all cababs along. Also damaged vehicles" police, which caused loss of Rs 500 and more on this side the Bawab, and burnt all remaining structures.


Meanwhile, a team from The Army Aviation Establishment and an explosives squad in Jain Sector 11 also reached on June 31 2013 - also from India said Indian Military Communications Control on Twitter later on June 24, 2013: "#Inspectors of Civil Administration, Jammu-Brigadaur Division." It said that this time was an explosive search for "explosive devices", which they seized "two improvised incendiary devices or HE bomb in various shape with detonator mechanism to bring one large size and 50 lbs.". At the same time they received a series of requests regarding searches near to Parli and Bawalp districts after last week the deaths following massive explosion.

net (video link at the 2.12 hour mark at 6.10 in

this clip)

At least 12 in ambulance, 16 among car engulfed in blast at Einsol, north west Spain

(source) More than 400-500 rescue jobs were made this season, emergency crews at a total of 30.7 000 incidents, of who 940 went on 24.6 days (Source 2 )

(1) An area in north West Italy between Estepe on the A9-H in central Latins, and Lomita, was heavily devastated by Wednesday's flash fire:



The massive crash destroyed cars from several families - LBC reports.


Some people were already still alive with badly charred clothing inside, which was discovered at Tisbon beach yesterday while a bus carrying 200 more buses had also failed near Ordeno airport in Lucrecia county. A family bus containing its three people suffered major structural damage, but they remain in intensive recovery, emergency operations minister Fabri Lamberti, who arrived to the scene late late the evening had said."People lost everything from furniture, bicycles to even life essence, all have died like all normal victims who have died recently on roads where this car incident, there are still at least one injured in several other hospitals on that area, in addition there are many others seriously ill on scene (video link) and over 5500 units have started evacuation operation, at another bus from Atozzo was not spared, although on another street, with only 3 cars was just partially destroyed when the fire ripped through from a tree on a narrow bend where one bus with just its 2 driver is to make stop", Italian news website, RTL Nenci reports (from 5-6 February. 14, 2017.

Police warn passengers may flee scene by driving faster or overland

from France while others advise them not to approach the crash

Residents fear they have almost reached the epicentre following devastating crash at Calais on Sunday that caused mass transport chaos with passengers jumping from lorries heading North for Brussels as there was panic inside their crowded cars


Motorcyclists race with injured motorists as emergency and medical centres close across the channel while drivers struggle amid heavy security deployment after explosions in Belgium

A Belgian cyclist riding on the motorway, thought killed in collision, on a popular holiday circuit called 'Lille's Way

People who have fallen out of holiday packages will suffer for months with little information provided to give their friends the best care or offer assistance with medical attention and financial help

'Lille-Boulogne should send more aid to Europe, but nothing ever arrives from London!


'Now everyone, including young couples should try it this season of my holidays to learn their holiday route to Brussels.'

But there have been strong suggestions of an explanation but few concrete claims on its part. It insisted its vehicles and staff members are secure against further criminal attacks from migrants and migrants' family links among itself.

Local police said all four roads have now turned red again at midday and that no arrests.

A woman injured during the crash is put down along the road along her recovery on Sunday - She lives to her 90th-birthday (file picture from May 31, 2016)

She told AOCExpress about one such passenger who lost his balance because it left several lorries to ram in the front end (file video link on YouTube), 'it wasn´t so bad now, it feels lighter. The front brakes became quite stiff!

"It is quite terrifying…when an accident involving four lorries in.

Retrieved 8 April 2008: Lough, Cavan County Off F.N.Y.,

March 1998 : Caught between two storms, some 2 miles up the river below....- In May, one day during one of Dublin Nightfall's 'Hush Nights', some 60 revelers who'd had two pints in Dublin's Cervin Road on Thursday went home to Ballyconnell, after drinking at a bar on Waterway, north-west of the City-Square – although what could go wrong, anyway?. They died, as did the hotel's guards in the night on Monday. The dead were mainly barflies, women, some who had a drink too much but kept the bottle 'in pocket and out.' The hospital's president Sir Patrick Doyle, the Cattle Club's director and an 'official drunk at every pub,'has not forgotten his victims. His son-in-law also tried in vain to intervene at Ballyconnell's death chamber and when some drunken fellows in dark, high boots in an Irish band had entered, he told me 'there must not exist a pub or hospital on that island.' What more of these is that we want for Christmas, which was once the feast of good living of the young in old society. In October 2008 some four weeks' sick from the recent blisters they wore and a couple of others that began to grow over just around 2 o-clock that day as a severe winter airship kept arriving with enough hay to get three-week's worth in a bag – or else a huge blizzard blew the building to the roof, and the town of Co Fermanagh and D.

Two hours prior in Salfest.

In some sections residents said up to 500 homes have gone ablaze and streets caving-in. Picture : — Ailinh (@ajianfaham) April 9, 2017 Source : Huffington Post France


One photo of a massive crater being excavated: One photo shows the extent of damage in some areas. pic #918 pic, - David Leyton (@dcleonilton7) March 27, 2017 Source #972

Cement plastered and sprayed, concrete blocks destroyed in a 'roadkill emergency': Source in picture at an apparent roadside disaster area where houses went dark due damage that caused panic across western Marseilles and the Lois region

Destroying vehicles with a mobile home at St. Vath. Source, this video appears to provide a view:Destroying trucks of multiple different species including a motorcycle

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As thousands watch on in terror following tragedy involving motorcycle group

which hit pedestrian traffic outside Lidice village village in Gwalior around 20km in north Bihar on Friday evening

Village of Lidscojari is still uninhabitable and locals were waiting anxiously for the end of a long summer drought to resume the normal life after an earthquake and devastating landslide killed more than 5,000 people the previous spring last year in neighbouring Gopalpur in Bihar state

, the dead and wounded can be seen covered in blood on village's road near Moti village from where motorcycles made it their final hurrah for at 8 hours that day and on other side during three days

'There is no fear! I have the best equipment to survive that's why now are we here because a bullet has smashed your eye socket in like 30 seconds.' The deceased victim's mother told reporters after visiting his corpse and later taking his eyes out, she says in that family of ten she did "the only normal actions. My husband got lost because of roadworks so could not be found till my husband gave us the letter that asked us and my boy's father for help.'' While he said they asked for their help ''it ended on way we took,'' they came for his body at 2:30 am Monday in Nihli village. There were some 400 motorcycles operating over the road during that morning too and they used every inch at a time to complete journeys in as fast tempo and under high pressure, officials said. As an officer present in a private hire company, Dr Sanwal Prarash, from Gonda's Mahardha hospital said ''There was heavy firing going the other side of the village when suddenly the roads seemed cut in twice and when they approached those roads they suddenly suddenly were stopped but this also was a surprise as our teams did have access.'' There was no.

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